Monday, March 26, 2018


Contemporary Tapestry Weaving workshop
 was held at Vortex Yarns this past Saturday, March 24th in Taos, New Mexico. 

As there was just the two of us in today's workshop.
I also did a weaving for additional inspiration of the possibilities. 

With a workshop of more than five this wouldn't be possible. 
But then there would be four other sources of inspiration working side by side.

Trimming the Rya Knots pile into a shape/form after weaving several rows to hold the rya knots into place. 
pushing the wefts into place. 

If you like the look of the warp which is the vertical thread showing then you can leave it alone.  However loose weft will make the textile piece more easy to come apart. 
In the end It's basically a style decision made by the artist.

Lately I have been tempted to let some of the warp show as I liked the look of the woven piece.  Again its up to each individual what their piece will look like.  

Almost there... a little bit more
Throughout the workshop I took shots to show the progress of the weaving as it grew. 
However it took till we were halfway through to  remember to document the progress.
Why? you may ask.. cuz we are having too much fun weaving!
Say hello to our newest participant... He's a bit shy at the moment.
creating loops at the top...
This is one of two ways of creating loops
This technique creates an inviting texture that is sure to be a pleasure to view.


Cutie modeling the finished woven art
Proud Peeps showing off her finished woven wall hanging.  Its her very first time she has done a weaving.  Pleased as punch.  
Workshop signage outside Vortex Yarns in Taos, New Mexico

The day was relaxing and exciting at the same time as a new work was being woven on the looms. 
But did you also know that there was the March For Our LIVES event also happening!  Dang and I didn't get the memo. 

Overall a wonderful sunny and warm day. 
Coming back from a nearby bakery cafe as I walked in the sunshine the thought "Why not have a workshop outdoors!!!"  DUH... that would be totally awesome but need to be sure we have SHADE and plenty of water.

Our next workshop here at Vortex Yarns will be May 26th, Saturday from 10-4pm. 
Check out my online shop for details

If you can't make it to May's workshop in Taos...

Espanola Valley Fiber Arts Center
Espanola, New Mexico
There will have three workshops the last weekend of April.

Thursday, April 26
Friday, April 27
Saturday, April 28

Hours: 10 am - 4:30pm

Online shop

Everyone in the workshop takes home a weaving loom, warp thread, yarn, tapestry needle and a bag to hold everything. 

Along with their finished woven wall hanging masterpiece

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Taos Weaving Workshop this Saturday

A recent woven wall hanging which shows the various textures that will be taught in the workshop
using a FRAME loom, these techniques can be used in any weaving on any loom.

Finished Woven wall hanging... will be for sale here

You can book your spot here or show up at the Vortex Yarns shoppe on Saturday and pay in person. 

Still space in this Saturday's Weaving Workshop in Taos, New Mexico. 

Weaving workshop runs from 10 am thru 4:30 with a lunch break between 11-1pm... 

You can take half hour for lunch and hit the local restaurants or cafes nearby within walking distance.  

Artist: Merce Mitchell in her studio. Photo: Wanashe Frank.  

At the shop you can see some of her large scale fiber work which also has been hand & machine embroidered, needle felted and more.  She's one amazing fiber artist. 

Merce Mitchell's Vortex Yarns has some amazing selection of fibers on offer for sale.  
This is one of the reasons I just had to do a workshop here.  
Check them out. 

While I will provide white wool roving for the workshop, there is a lot of luscious hand dyed wool roving which you can buy in small amounts as needed. 

Once you used wool roving in your weaving it'll be hard to resist working with it again and again.  I love white roving for puffy white clouds for its wonderful dreamy quality.  How about cotton candy, cherry blossoms, flowering trees in the springtime and more.  so much more

Taos Wool Festival and any other wool festival events have vendors who raise the lovely creatures who produces these lovely fibers.  Its not often I have found a yarn shop that has this amount of wool roving available. 

Some Special fibers hand dyed and spin by Vortex Yarn owner Merce Mitchell!

An amazing and talented fiber artist herself.  You can find her work here.

You will receive with workshop 6 hours of hands on instruction and one-on-one attention, a frame loom, warp thread supply, yarn, tapestry needle and a dowel to attach weaving to create your very own woven wall hanging for your home.  

Hope to see you this Saturday for an awesome Saturday FUNDAY with creativity run amok

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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Organic BLOOMs into being!

Its taken two weeks and some days from seed to Bloom!  
I have wondered if the progress of weaving this woven oval wall hanging would be fruitful.  While spending time working on this piece, a lot of thoughts have popped up as well as times when the repetitive motions calmed the hectic thoughts roaming around in my head.  

The more I weave the more I find myself becoming centered. Without the motions of working with fibers my thoughts have been all over the place.  
Just like the weather today being almost a stormy cloudy winter day with rain splattering upon the earth.  

I'm currently cozy inside a cafe after having drunk a small triple latte and watching a korean drama, while also wondering if the oval piece is complete or not.  

The constant whirl of thoughts amid this spring day which has been taken back by winter is a torment.  

While winter in New Mexico was mild at the start of the season, it's grip has tighten as a last dish effort to hold close the wintery season.  My spirit at present is struggling to regain some life in this chill, meanwhile my soul yearns for the warmer climates which appears as a mirage to taunt my deep need of the warmth of springtime.  

new life seen on a walk two days ago.

In pondering upon plans of action, eyes stare unseeing out at winter snowstorm and bare tree limbs while the wind dances and sprints around.  The mind is at war with the outside world with its cold kiss via winds of fate.  

Anyhow... Its time to come full circle with the woven Oval wall hanging to end its dance with winters touch. 

Organic Woven Wall Hanging
In the first week of weaving this piece, it felt like it had the spirit of "Organic Delights" however in the past week it seems to have shed that feel.  
What name shall this piece be given? 

Looms have been prepped for the next series of weavings.  Having visions of a patchwork of textures and colors being attached with blanket stitches.  Hmmmm 

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Saturday, March 10, 2018

"Organic Delights" progress part 2

Howdy folks!

Yesterday I ended up taking a break from weaving after sore and aching shoulders threw a fit!  Saturday afternoon saw renewed energy as I started added to the blooming flower outwards with a nice aqua green and DEEP green outline.  Its a nice contrast!  

After feeding the girls Lucy and Coco, finally started added more background  from the outer circle inwards plus a coolish yellow shapes.  Not sure yet if its part of the flower itself or flowers in the background.  We shall let the weaving decide.  

Browse the through the photos showing today's progress.  


Added aqua green shapes around the central design... seems to be taking shape as petals

close up of the petals taking shape

SO MUCH YUMMY textures.. 

Cool Yellow petal shapes unfolding outwards!
Two types of Soumak weaves

ITS really starting to take shape

Next time you see this piece it'll be finished and ready to upload to CelticSpiralDesign Shop on Big Cartel.  

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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Organic Delight in Progress

I am loving how this weaving is turning out.  

As promised here are some updates of the weaving in progress.  

I'm calling it "Organic Delight"!  

Because it has been a delight to weave so far.  
The name may change depending on the evolution of the piece.  

Silk strips woven into the warp.  Used two techniques... plain weave and soumak weave!

Thursday afternoon weaving session outdoors enjoying the NICE weather
It took me a month after acquiring the "loom" to get it underway.  
I started this piece about a week ago today and still have more work underway.  

When I started this it was with the intention of adding yarn bombs via Pom Poms.  Now I'm uncertain how this will unfold as now I can't quite see it happening.  I can't say it won't happen as you can never predict how a piece will turn out.  

So for now...  I plan to just enjoy the journey in the making of this piece.  


You can see the progression of the different textures and weaving techniques that has been added. 
I'm loving it 

Ain't this looking somewhat like a sunflower?  Ahhh

adding RYA Knots which get shaped soon afterward. 


had some company in the form of LUCY and COCCO... 

Its taking shape slowly but surely.
TUNE IN tomorrow to see how its evolved over 24 hours.  

I'm inviting comments of a name for this piece so comment away over the next few days.  

See ya soon
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