Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Join me in Arroyo Seco this Saturday!

Join us at Weaving Southwest in Arroyo Seco for their first annual Holiday Trunk Show

Last Saturday I ended up driving an hour and half to Arroyo Seco just to see the gorgeous hand made items at Weaving Southwest as well as to spend a little bit of time with a friend of mine.  Teresa Loveless was outside enjoying the sunshine and spinning away.  It was a glorious 54!
Teresa Loveless of Weaving Southwest spinning away with her hand dyed wool roving

Of course Teresa is praying for snow so they can have a great ski season this winter. 
As for me, I was drawn to see what other fiber artists produced and there were a mix of knitted items such as caps and hand warmers in such gorgeous fibers, soft too.  While talking with Teresa, I was invited to include works in next weekend's Trunk Show and I'm beyond excited about it.  

I'll be having a mix of works for sale for the holidays.  They are.... woven Tapestry wall hangings,  Miniature weavings for your holiday tree, buttons, glass jewelry and more.  So if your'e close by make the trip to see what else this charming little village has to offer. 

Miniature weavings for your trees! 

another lil guy... angora rabbit, alpaca, wool roving and merino wool 

Weaving pendant necklace

Kiln Glass pendants inspired by nature's river beds. 

More to come... 

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Friday, December 1, 2017

Dreaming of the Midwest tapestry

 Second night in town, retreating for the evening to find someone made themselves at home in my duffel bag!  

What a surprise... Mainly since Nicky has been reminding me of Garfield so I never considered when I left the bag on the bed that he'll land in it. 

It never ceases to amaze me that fur baby Nicky still feels a bond to me despite me living out of state for the past two and half years.  
I have missed this guy a TON!  

First up... A journey overseas for a year or more to develop some new work inspired by the landscapes in OZ and the land of Kiwis and hopefully some other locales.  

Since being in Bali last spring, theres been an sense of yearning building inside of me that has been pulling me towards a longer adventure or stay in other lands.  The inspiration from being surrounded by talented and creative individuals and groups has lit a fire in me that refuses to be put down so its time to listen to the yearnings of dreams and follow its path to where ever it may lead me.  

Shadows play a large part in my life.  For some reason I'm drawn to Shadows, maybe since the sun is leaving a piece of something else behind.  There's always a story attached to every single shadow and sometimes every shadow has several stories like multiple dimensions.  My flights of fancy likes to take me on journeys into my vast imagination coupled with fairy folktales and lore.  So many films have influenced my sense of the whimsy that I'm hungry to discover more. 

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Pottery Addiction! Dark Chocolate anyone?

Howdy Everyone,

In the past several weeks, time was spend at my local Clay studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Its a place where you work alongside seasoned veterans and newcomers to ceramics.  Such a creative and welcoming place to be inspired by those around ya.  

Since September time has been spend at the studio taking a sculpture class with an outstanding ceramic artist Andrea Pichaida and for the past month in the communal studio working on a series of projects.  Many projects are awaiting glazing while tests on glaze combinations are ongoing.  The first glaze firing will occur after Thanksgiving, which of course is unfortunate as I'll be out of town visiting family for a fortnight.

Its been a challenge finding the time to go in the studio among time spend on weaving in home studio, working with kiln glass at Bullseye Glass's Open Studio, which only happens 3-4 times a month.  Not much time, but ohh so addictive and usually a project will take the entire month which only turns out to be 4 days of studio access.  More to come in another post soon. 

In the Clay Studio: 
Projects included the following:
Fiber Art inspired table ware
Fiber Art inspired buttons
Fiber Art inspired Jewelry
Organic Land form inspired vessels with woven element

sneak peek into the green ware and bisque ware that have been made so far.

 Oh dear!  Just realized I forgot while at the studio to get some shots of the plates, platter and dish also produced on Tuesday.  I was running around trying to locate where my little zipper pouch was and totally spaced on the last few while the car was in temporary parking outside.  Don't you feel that time is  rushed these days as the holiday countdown is on.

Wish time would slow down!

More to follow in December so be sure to check back then.

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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Ceramic Goodness!

This past week in the Clay Studio at Santa Fe Clay inspiration struck twice.  

Here's the story, I had some time to play around with some new ideas on button designs. 
While in the process of creating my "fiber" or fabric" buttons inspiration struck. 
Now I can't lie, I almost didn't recognize what was happening!  
An idea for my "Fiber" inspired ceramic Pendant design. 

Now I'm not a person who wears jewelry but I do have an attraction to its unique designs.  
So... Fabric or fiber inspired jewelry pendants for necklaces.  I've worked with Dark Brown clay which you have seen in photos of the buttons... but what you have seen is the greenware stage where its almost ready for its bisque firing in the kiln. Now the true magic happens when glazes are added and thats where I've found a perfect combination of two glazes to create this amazing visual surface.  

Here are photos of a vase made back in 2011.  I call it my dragonfly series.  You can see the "dragonfly" tile which was "sewn" attached to the exterior of vase.  I just love these.  Here's a little known fact about dragonflies... they are all DEAF... isn't that interesting.  
And they are gorgeous little critters with their fragile wings which are otherworldly. 

 The vase on the right is the glaze that I'll be playing with again with these buttons.  
As you can see, the clay is quite dark.  In the photo below is thicker application of the glaze combination which also produces another beautiful effects.  

I'll be testing some newer combination of glazes for that cool blue/green/violet tints within the white.  
While in the studio today, a new project I call "Fiber Art" inspired butter dish is done & waiting for its bisque firing.  I admit I'm not always so good at waiting but i'm working on it. 

 2012 pottery work

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Holiday Studio Dash Madness

Its 7 days till Thanksgiving and the rush is on!  

The rush is on???? duh.. the mad dash to create holiday gift items for the lucky crafter out there.  HMMMM  you may wonder.. what items are ya talking about?

Well, I'm glad you asked... I have been in the studio on and off since July and just the other day it occurred to me.  These "Creek" inspired kiln glass buttons and "fiber" inspired ceramic buttons are sure to be a hit with sewers who are looking for that special button for those pieces of article in their hand made wardrobe collection.  Well, It just so happens I LOVE LOVE LOVE buttons.  I have for as long as I could remember, just in the past twenty years it takes a whole lot of hunting down to find that one button that has you panting with excitement and joy.  

Yes That's my reaction whenever a treasure is found.  Even if I don't use it right away, it just makes it way into the studio till the right project whispers its yearning for its button "mate".  

Here are some photos of some buttons in the making.  Both Kiln glass and ceramics are ideal and I've always just love the textures from both materials.  Check back in my Etsy shop "Celtic Spiral Designs" next week.  I'll be posting one day before it goes LIVE so be sure to put it on the calendar

 Ohhhh my... these actually are reminding me of my cookie addiction.  
Aren't they yummy.  Too bad they are not chocolate!  
Its a joke of mine since I started working with Dark Brown clay, cone 10 several years ago.  
But they LOOK SO GOOD... Hmm.. Reminds me to add chocolate cookies to my grocery list.

I'm seriously in love with these beauties.  Just spend the day at the glass studio for Bullseye Glass Open Studio and made serious inroads into these "river/creek side" inspiration.  Its being fired right now overnight while I'm typing this here blog post.  Dang sure forgot to take some more photos but was in a hurry to rush over to the Clay Studio.  Yes I'm obsessed.  SUE me..

You can kinda tell that my textiles obsession is on the move.... Just made these two bags in progress over the weekend.  Next up is to sew some zipper pouches for the interior so nothing falls out.  The handles will range from over the should straps to wristlet handle and its begging for some LeatherNess.  Yes.

The two above are one woven piece. It started as landscape tapestry and evolved into a bag.  
You can see the tapestry in the foreground in the photo below.   
Its been an exciting journey back into bag making.  Ohh lordy has it been a wild ride so far.  

ENJOY for Now till next time.

Check back again for new updates on the "Project Buttons".  Anyone else love buttons too?  share your story here.
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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Creating Textured Buttons in the Studio

Trying out an idea to create purses or mini bags from the tapestries I pull from the looms.  These are seriously CUTE!  The fibers are amazing and now i'm facing the issue of making these bags close.  So a fabric bag will be sewn up and inserted inside but also the handle will be reworked.  I'm in love with this.. So soft, light and airy but also cozy to hold.  

ohhh LOVE these textures.  I used some stamps I got over ten years ago at Stampin' Cat in Salem, Oregon. 
They used to be for paper art but now for ceramics for its amazing details.  The glaze is gonna be GOOD!!

These babies just came out of the kiln this week... now ready for glazing. 
The clay is Dark Brown and I've always thought of it as my Dark Chocolate Clay and is Cone 10. 
It'll be fired again and the unglazed portion of the clay will show up DARKISH YUM YUMS

 Greenware buttons and napkin rings? or woven Pendant?  Its looking good... should be ready for the first firing.  

close up of buttons with holes in place.  Its gonna be awesome.  Can't wait to return to Studio and glaze these babies. 

Finally got the opportunity to play with my new camera lens for iPhone. 
Ohhh wow.. Macros lens is AWESOME in catching the details.
This image above captures the rya knots in the "bush" details.

Aren't these fibers lucious?

and this one...

And this one.. ohhh boy i'm in love all over again.  

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Friday, November 10, 2017

Changdeokgung Palace and its Secret Gardens

 The entrance to Changdeokgung Palace's...

 Several angles of the residence...

 a rare selfie... it may become more common occurrence as time goes on.

Interiors of the Palace's residences are beyond spacious for its time.  

 This shot was taken from the far left window peeking in...
 Shot of the King's throne or seat of power from the center of the entrance...

This vertical shot showcases the ceiling and the decorative elements added for grand effect.  
The lamps were both electric and tea candles.  

 Close up details for exterior undersides of the roof.  Inspiration was taken from the visual descriptions of the Lotus. 

Another selfie with the gorgeous green door.... 
The texture and color are to be seen to believe.  I'm in love!!!
 Incredible details just cover every space of the exterior...

 Spring has really arrived yet, I missed the sakura blooms by several days.

Check the next posting soon for a glimpse into the Secret Garden. 

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