This past week in the Clay Studio at Santa Fe Clay inspiration struck twice.
Here's the story, I had some time to play around with some new ideas on button designs.
While in the process of creating my "fiber" or fabric" buttons inspiration struck.
Now I can't lie, I almost didn't recognize what was happening!
An idea for my "Fiber" inspired ceramic Pendant design.
Now I'm not a person who wears jewelry but I do have an attraction to its unique designs.
So... Fabric or fiber inspired jewelry pendants for necklaces. I've worked with Dark Brown clay which you have seen in photos of the buttons... but what you have seen is the greenware stage where its almost ready for its bisque firing in the kiln. Now the true magic happens when glazes are added and thats where I've found a perfect combination of two glazes to create this amazing visual surface.
Here are photos of a vase made back in 2011. I call it my dragonfly series. You can see the "dragonfly" tile which was "sewn" attached to the exterior of vase. I just love these. Here's a little known fact about dragonflies... they are all DEAF... isn't that interesting.
And they are gorgeous little critters with their fragile wings which are otherworldly.
The vase on the right is the glaze that I'll be playing with again with these buttons.
As you can see, the clay is quite dark. In the photo below is thicker application of the glaze combination which also produces another beautiful effects.
I'll be testing some newer combination of glazes for that cool blue/green/violet tints within the white.
While in the studio today, a new project I call "Fiber Art" inspired butter dish is done & waiting for its bisque firing. I admit I'm not always so good at waiting but i'm working on it.
2012 pottery work
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