Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Holiday Studio Dash Madness

Its 7 days till Thanksgiving and the rush is on!  

The rush is on???? duh.. the mad dash to create holiday gift items for the lucky crafter out there.  HMMMM  you may wonder.. what items are ya talking about?

Well, I'm glad you asked... I have been in the studio on and off since July and just the other day it occurred to me.  These "Creek" inspired kiln glass buttons and "fiber" inspired ceramic buttons are sure to be a hit with sewers who are looking for that special button for those pieces of article in their hand made wardrobe collection.  Well, It just so happens I LOVE LOVE LOVE buttons.  I have for as long as I could remember, just in the past twenty years it takes a whole lot of hunting down to find that one button that has you panting with excitement and joy.  

Yes That's my reaction whenever a treasure is found.  Even if I don't use it right away, it just makes it way into the studio till the right project whispers its yearning for its button "mate".  

Here are some photos of some buttons in the making.  Both Kiln glass and ceramics are ideal and I've always just love the textures from both materials.  Check back in my Etsy shop "Celtic Spiral Designs" next week.  I'll be posting one day before it goes LIVE so be sure to put it on the calendar

 Ohhhh my... these actually are reminding me of my cookie addiction.  
Aren't they yummy.  Too bad they are not chocolate!  
Its a joke of mine since I started working with Dark Brown clay, cone 10 several years ago.  
But they LOOK SO GOOD... Hmm.. Reminds me to add chocolate cookies to my grocery list.

I'm seriously in love with these beauties.  Just spend the day at the glass studio for Bullseye Glass Open Studio and made serious inroads into these "river/creek side" inspiration.  Its being fired right now overnight while I'm typing this here blog post.  Dang sure forgot to take some more photos but was in a hurry to rush over to the Clay Studio.  Yes I'm obsessed.  SUE me..

You can kinda tell that my textiles obsession is on the move.... Just made these two bags in progress over the weekend.  Next up is to sew some zipper pouches for the interior so nothing falls out.  The handles will range from over the should straps to wristlet handle and its begging for some LeatherNess.  Yes.

The two above are one woven piece. It started as landscape tapestry and evolved into a bag.  
You can see the tapestry in the foreground in the photo below.   
Its been an exciting journey back into bag making.  Ohh lordy has it been a wild ride so far.  

ENJOY for Now till next time.

Check back again for new updates on the "Project Buttons".  Anyone else love buttons too?  share your story here.
 photo signature_zps115f75f1.png

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