Can you picture a time you relaxed while taking a class in crafts such as textiles and just crafting away the afternoon
Well look no further as here are workshops with JudyIrene Harney of Celtic Spiral Designs
Columbus, Ohio July 7th DONE
Taos, New Mexico July 21st DONE
Santa Fe, New Mexico July 21st CANCELLED
Santa Fe, New Mexico July 28th CANCELLED
Santa Fe, New Mexico August 3rd-4th STILL AVAILABLE till August 2nd
Below are lil videos promoting the woven textures workshops...
be sure to visit our online shop here
Columbus Ohio is the only circle weaving workshop at this point...
$160 for an all day inclusive workshop where you'll weave irresistible textures with some of the most beautiful fibers. Lunch is BYO or nearby cafes in Worthington all within walking distance. Summer beverages such as ice cold water, iced tea and coffee for those of us that need that jolt of energy.
Weaving on a circle loom is such an organic experience for me as it can go either way.. creating a vortex or botany inspired piece. Register here
All materials will be provided including select looms, fibers of all natural goodness, tapestry needles, wood dowel, and more.
New Mexico Workshops range from $170 for a day workshop to $340 for 2 day workshop.
Both workshops comes with a select Ashford loom
Lunch is BYO lunch or cafe nearby.
You shall enjoy some cold summer beverages such as iced tea, water as well as biscuits
As all workshops are 6.5 hours, you'll enjoy a 30 minute lunch as well as 2 small breaks in the morning and afternoon to stretch and move around or not.. up to ya
Weaving is hard work girls and you gotta pamper yourself as well, ya know!!
Lets make this an awesome and inspiring day in New Mexico
If you are in the Santa Fe area, check out Sunday's Artisan Market at the Railyard from 10-4pm come and say hi and check out some gorgeous textiles & more.
June 24th July 15thJuly 22nd August 5th August 19th September 2nd September 16th September 23rd
For now Adios... and see ya later |