Wednesday, June 27, 2018

NEXT WEEKEND! Wanna play with yarn & circles?

Yarn & Circles... what could be more perfect

Judy Irene Harney 
is coming to 
 on July 7th for an addictive workshop with fiber weaves! 

loops, soumak, and plain weaves

Adding rya knots for some fluffy textures...

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on display at Dyer Art Gallery at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf's 50th Anniversary Exhibition at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York thru October 20th.  

tons of fibers.. notice that big fluffy wool roving.. so much goodness here 

Custom ceramic element in a hand made ceramic button in the center of weaving 

bright neon colors of fuchsia and tangerine orange wool. 

Come and join us in Beautiful Old Worthington Village for an amazing creative day of weaving.  So much rich textures and fibers to play with. 

RSVP here with EventBrite or here with my online shop 

On Sale for $120 till July 4th
last few days will be back to $160

Any questions?  drop me a line here

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Thursday, June 21, 2018


Can you picture a time you relaxed while taking a class in crafts such as textiles and just crafting away the afternoon 

Well look no further as here are workshops with JudyIrene Harney of Celtic Spiral Designs 

Columbus, Ohio July 7th DONE
Taos, New Mexico July 21st  DONE
Santa Fe, New Mexico July 21st CANCELLED 
Santa Fe, New Mexico July 28th CANCELLED
Santa Fe, New Mexico  August 3rd-4th  STILL AVAILABLE till August 2nd

Below are lil videos promoting the woven textures workshops... 
be sure to visit our online shop here

 Columbus Ohio is the only circle weaving workshop at this point... 

$160 for an all day inclusive workshop where you'll weave irresistible textures with some of the most beautiful fibers.  Lunch is BYO or nearby cafes in Worthington all within walking distance.  Summer beverages such as ice cold water, iced tea and coffee for those of us that need that jolt of energy.  

Weaving on a circle loom is such an organic experience for me as it can go either way.. creating a vortex or botany inspired piece.  Register here

for Santa Fe peeps... if you're interested in weaving an organic wall piece, email me

 Wanna Taos experience... register here

For Santa Fe experience.. register here for one day and here for 2days

All materials will be provided including select looms, fibers of all natural goodness, tapestry needles, wood dowel, and more.  

New Mexico Workshops range from $170 for a day workshop to $340 for 2 day workshop.
Both workshops comes with a select Ashford loom

Lunch is BYO lunch or cafe nearby.  
You shall enjoy some cold summer beverages such as iced tea, water as well as biscuits

As all workshops are 6.5 hours, you'll enjoy a 30 minute lunch as well as 2 small breaks in the morning and afternoon to stretch and move around or not.. up to ya 

Weaving is hard work girls and you gotta pamper yourself as well, ya know!!

Lets make this an awesome and inspiring day in New Mexico

If you are in the Santa Fe area, check out Sunday's Artisan Market at the Railyard from 10-4pm come and say hi and check out some gorgeous textiles & more. 

June 24th
July 15th
July 22nd
August 5th
August 19th
September 2nd
September 16th
September 23rd

For now Adios... and see ya later

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Monday, June 18, 2018

Macrame Awaking!!!

Ahh... Macrame is magic!

This past Saturday I learned how to do macrame at a workshop with Modern Macrame's Emily Katz who is on a book tour to promote her book The Modern Macrame: 33 Stylish Projects for Your Handmade Home.  

Emily is a creative consultant, interior designer, macrame instructor, artist, and instagram phenomenon.  Emily has taught macrame to thousands of people all over the world, and created custom installations and projects for well known brands.  

In person Emily is warm, kind and inspiring teacher especially for beginners of macrame.  I was fortunate to be able to transfer my Portland, Oregon workshop to Santa Fe, New Mexico when I wasn't able to attend due to Vertigo and a long road trip so imagine how excited i was when I returned home and two weeks later found out there was a Santa Fe Macrame workshop on the book tour.  

 Heaven answered my prayers as I really wanted to learn Macrame ever since seeing hundreds of images of a few of my favorite Instagram accounts such as: 

There are many more to list but for now these are a good list to check out.  some are personal accounts but they are such talented artists that I had to share.  

Here are a few photos of my first macrame piece I made on June 16th while hanging with Taryn a weaver who generously offered to host the workshop at her studio.  Her work is absolutely gorgeous!  Check out her work on instagram at futurzulu.  

At home with sunshine later in the afternoon

with sunlight shining from the back

In the studio with sunlight dancing upon it

The material used in this macrame are cotton rope and a silver/grey and white combo which is cotton and linen blend.. I so LOVE this!

Already working on creating a macrame keychain... stay tuned for more 

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Friday, June 8, 2018

WOVEN Adventures in Ohio

Weaving FUN in Ohio on July 7th... 

This is the first circle weaving workshop where we shall create a weaving using a circle loom... this loom becomes the permanent frame for the woven wall hanging we shall take home.  

More details.. go to online shop for more information

Less than a month till the weaving mania with circles continues adventures w/ friends... 

See ya there at Sew to Speak & Yarn where fiber adventures unfold

Got any questions?
go right on ahead and ASK ASK ASK

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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

New Dates for Taos Woven Textures Workshop

July 21st Woven Textures Workshop

Just added new July workshop for Taos, New Mexico with Vortex Yarns... check it out

This will be the only summer workshop in Taos till fall... grab it while you can!
Here's the flyer for July 21st workshop in Taos... 

"Organic Delights" oval wall hanging

CIRCLE WEAVING Retreat Possibility for Fall 

For Fall... (possible September or early October) depending upon interest will be considering setting up a 2 day workshop. If interested... contact me here

 To weave on a Circle loom which will require some basic knowledge of 2 or more weaving methods.  Beginners can do it and with two days, it will be possible at a relaxed pace as you'll be spending part of the first day wrapping the loom then warping it and adding the weave to kick off the weaving textures workshop in the afternoon of day 1, day 2 will be spend exploring the various textures and shapes found in a variety of 6-7 weaving techniques you can apply to your woven art project.  

Check out the evolution of the making of "Organic Delights" 

The finished work... 

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Monday, June 4, 2018

Fantastic Sunday Market

The Best is yet to come...

June 3rd was a rare day in Santa Fe with thunderstorms and tons of rain fall and it was so nice!   Especially the breeze that arrived with cool air and fresh scent of moisture as many national parks have a ban on fire but also over 80 park closures due to fire danger so it was a rare treasure to receive a blessing of rain.  

Sunday started at six in the morning for me as the sun first peeked into the window probably debating whether or not to wake its sleeping human. However, this human was already wired to wake up just to attend the Market downtown.  

Some images from quarter of an hour before setting up at the Artisan Market at the Santa Fe Farmers Market building.  The clouds are dreamy ain't they?  

Sky Coffee location in the RailYard... 
The day they opened was the happiest day since Now GREAT Awesome Latte's can be found nearby.
This is were the morning latte was bought a week ago. 

Santa Fe Railyard's  movie theatre the "CROWN" across from the Market location. 
Its interesting that its been 10 years since Santa Fe Railyard was first developed as well as the year I first relocated to Santa Fe from Oregon in 2008.

Setting up that morning was a breeze compared to the first four times.  The prior night I sewn up my backdrop for the grid panels so it'll save time and boy did it ever.  I'm counting my blessings that through hardship learning experiences happen which provides an opportunity to grow and learn.  What did I learn? you may ask.. a new method of setting up the show which improved the overall feel but aided in the ease of take down. 

Current work in progress... Icelandic Sheep Portrait
Did some work on this weaving then unwoven the head as the shape and form wasn't working out as I hoped.  
Mini Woven Art in progress.  Really loving how these babies are turning out!

details of textures
Market Booth... 

Artist Showcase... 

Last Sunday I showcased a fellow artist Mayte and her jewelry collection.  
This week my neighbor and fellow artist is Kathy Morsell, a potter from Northern New Mexico. 

gorgeous platter with is organic form and the carved details

Kathy Morsell is the artist behind Black Storm Sunshine Pottery. 
The works are outstanding with its organic shapes and the carving of details is just timeless. 

All her pieces are dishwasher and microwave safe so you can use them safely.  

The platters and bowls are amazing and its on my list to acquire one of her pieces or two for my ceramic collection.  

Just obsessed with these details.. feels somewhat like a piece of textiles but created with clay
Will never get tired of checking these pieces out. 

bottom of platter with her signature mark

Her body of work in foreground with woven tapestries of yours truly in the background.  Its framed so nicely.

These lovely flowers from Kathy's garden came home with me today... 


3rd Quarter Dates for Sunday's Artist Market @ Santa Fe Railyard 

June 10th
June 24th
July 15th
July 22nd
August 5th
August 19th
September 2nd
September 16th
September 30th
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